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Currently the Arizona Homeschooling law requires that:

*Every child between the ages of six and sixteen years shall be provided instruction in at least the subjects of reading, grammar, mathematics, social studies and science.

The person who has custody of the child shall choose a public, private or home school to provide instruction.

*An affidavit of intent shall be filed within thirty days from the time the child begins to attend a home school and is not required thereafter unless the home school instruction is terminated and then resumed. The person who has custody of the child shall notify the county school superintendent within thirty days of the termination that the child is no longer being instructed at a home school.

If the home school instruction is resumed, the person who has custody of the child shall file another affidavit of intent with the county school superintendent within thirty days.

*For the purposes of the above, Home school means a school conducted primarily by the parent, guardian or other person who has custody of the child or instruction provided in the child's home.

*Homeschoolers should within thirty days after the home instruction begins, provide to the county school superintendent of the county in which the child resides:

*A certified copy of the child's birth certificate, or other reliable proof of the child's identity and age.

For further details regarding the current Arizona Homeschooling Law consult Education Codes : 15-702, 15-745, 15-802, 15-802.01, 15-828, at your local library, or contact:

Maricopa County School Superintendent
301 W Jefferson #660
Phoenix, AZ 85003